🍬Mint 'Dona NFT

You will need 1 $DONA to get 1 'Dona NFT

  1. Get $DONA here on SushiSwap. You will need an Ethereum browser wallet, such as MetaMask. The liquidity pair is $WETH and $DONA, so you will need $WETH to purchase $DONA. $WETH can be purchased with ETH or other ERC20 tokens, also on SushiSwap.

  2. Exchange 1 $DONA for 1 'Dona NFT here. You can mint more than 1, but the exchange rate will always be 1 $DONA for 1 'Dona NFT.

Alternatively, you can also purchase a 'Dona NFT from the secondary market on OpenSea here. The JayPegsAutoMart.com website has a "'Dona Deal Finder" that will help you find the best deal.

Last updated